Achew, this place be very dusty mien!!!
Wow, you never realize how hard it is to maintain a blog and always have it up to date until you ACTUALLY start one. When on the outside looking in, it does seem so easy. All you have to do is sit on your laptop and type away and click the publish button...errrr!!! no. As I have discovered, it takes quite a lot of commitment and consistency. Most times, I have actually forgotten my blog password,yeah shoot me lol.
Of late though, I have had so many thoughts running through my mind which cannot be done justice by the 140 character limit on Twitter, not much of a Facebooker either {actually not even on Facebook}. Tried IG, but that has also proven a bit difficult; who wants to read long and winding posts on IG?? seriously. So, that brought me back to my online space - my blog. Operative word here, MY :-)
I Karsh, pledge that I will be faithful in maintaining consistency in posting on my blog. There we have it. Let the writing and journeying begin. Come along, trust me you will enjoy the journey.
Wow, you never realize how hard it is to maintain a blog and always have it up to date until you ACTUALLY start one. When on the outside looking in, it does seem so easy. All you have to do is sit on your laptop and type away and click the publish button...errrr!!! no. As I have discovered, it takes quite a lot of commitment and consistency. Most times, I have actually forgotten my blog password,
Of late though, I have had so many thoughts running through my mind which cannot be done justice by the 140 character limit on Twitter, not much of a Facebooker either {actually not even on Facebook}. Tried IG, but that has also proven a bit difficult; who wants to read long and winding posts on IG??..
I Karsh, pledge that I will be faithful in maintaining consistency in posting on my blog. There we have it. Let the writing and journeying begin. Come along, trust me you will enjoy the journey.